Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Collection, ca.1970-ca.1986.


Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson Collection, ca.1970-ca.1986.

Hollinger box #1: black and white photographs, mostly 8" x 10" in size, portraying Kenneth A. Gibson in his term as Mayor of Newark. Hollinger box #2: Political pamphlet, 1977; invitation to honor by the National Housing Conference, luncheon, 1978; Mayor's speech, January 1978; 3rd inaugural celebration, invitation, 1978; public letter on a proposed ordinance to establish minimum staffing level for the N.P.D., 1979; Inauguration of Mayor & Municipal Co., 1982, program; Address of Mayor Gibson to the Democratic National Convention 1976; press releases 1974-1984 including index; letters, reports, memos re budget & finances, development & planning, etc.; civic association newsletter 1972/3; biographical information, administrative accomplishment; "Up From Within," 1971 (one chapter devoted to Gibson); Statement to Business Men's Breakfast, 1970; Speech on air pollution regulations (original text), 1973; "Cities in crisis," speech to N.J.L.A. (video tape), 1974; "The Inauguration of Kenneth A. Gibson," interview with Sharpe James (7.5 I.P.S.), 1974; typed transcript of inaugural speech, photographs (negative); Letter to Dr. Evertt protesting Gibson appointment as instructor by E. Henderson, 1979. Paige boxes #1-#2 contains sorted files of newspaper clippings.

2.42 linear ft. ( 2 Hollinger boxes + 2 Paige boxes)

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